Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Rosie the Hunter

Rosie went out and hung a deer stand with me the other day and climbed up in it and decided that she was going to shoot a big buck. Opening weekend was so nice out that I decided to take her "out west" to a stand. She was very excited!

As we were getting our stuff on getting ready to go, she asked which one was her gun that she gets to use. Tim and I laughed and told her she could use the BB gun and take with. She thought that was great!

Then as I was starting to tell her that when "we" get to the stand, she interupted and said, "You are going to come with me?" We laughed again! In her mind she was thinking she was taking her gun, going out west, and going to shoot herself a big buck by herself!

She sat pretty good for being four years old. She wispered and ate some fruit snacks quietly. Then just as the sun was falling over the tree tops she decided to sit on my lap so she could see over the shooting rail to help me watch for deer. About two min. later, she was sleeping:) It was great, she had fun.....and so did I!

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