Thursday, February 5, 2009


I guess this is what happens when it is above 30 degrees out in February in nothern Minnesota. We go outside in the morning and play at Grandpas for a while, go in and eat lunch then go back out for a while. Then, we go home and don't go in the house until supper time. Rosie always takes at least an hour nap every day. She was so tired after supper she just curled up on the couch and went right to sleep.

It was all worth it though. She got to ride on the sled, go for a snowmobile ride, help do chores, go looking for deer horns for a while. It was a good day in February!! We are looking forward to grass, leaves, swimming, going for walks, but we will take a 30 degree day in February anytime! Next time we will have to take pictures of playing outside.

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